Monthly Archives: July 2012

Owl Boxes building party

At the last meeting Owl boxes were discussed again and Bill Archer has agreed to host another Owl Box workday at his shop this Saturday (July 7) starting at 9:00 am. If you cannot attend this one there may be another scheduled in the month of July.

At the last workday for this worthy cause, we completed some boxes but the work was slowed greatly by having to edge glue boards to create stock wide enough for the boxes and waiting for the glue to dry.

At the last meeting, Ron Spradley let us know that he had obtained a supply of used fence boards and has been spending quite a bit of his time gluing them into wider stock suitable for owl boxes. He estimates that he has enough glued stock to complete about 20 more Owl Boxes. This will allow us to complete the boxes at a much faster rate than previously. I encourage all members to come and join us.

Many thanks to Ron for giving us a jump start on completing the boxes.